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China Spirit UK Shaolin Martial Arts



The sport of Wushu is both an exhibition and a full-contact sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts. It was created in the People's Republic of China after 1949, in an attempt to nationalize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts.

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China Spirit UK Shaolin Martial Arts

Competitive Wushu is composed of two disciplines:
• Taolu (套路; forms)

 • Sand (散打; sparring) 

Taolu involve martial art patterns and manoeuvres for which competitors are judged and given points according to specific rules. The forms comprise basic movements (stances, kicks, punches, balances, jumps, sweeps and throws) based on aggregate categories traditional Chinese martial art style and can be change•  Sanda (散打; sparring) 
Sanda ( also called SanShou ) is a modern fighting method and sport influenced by traditional Chinese boxing, Chinese wrestling methods called Shuai jiao and other Chinese grappling techniques such as Chin Na.


It has all the combat aspects of Wushu. Sanda appears much like Kickboxing or Muay Thai, but includes many more grappling techniques. Sanda fighting competitions are often held alongside Taolu or form competitions.d for competitions to highlight one's strengths. Competitive forms have time limits that can range from 1 minute, 20 seconds for some external styles to over five minutes for internal styles. Modern Wushu competitors are increasingly training in aerial techniques such as 540 and 720 degree jumps and kicks to add more difficulty and style to their forms. 

China Spirit UK Shaolin Martial Arts



ChangQuan is the most widely-seen of the Wushu forms, and includes speed, power, accuracy, and flexibility. ChangQuan is difficult to perform, requiring great flexibility and athleticism, and is often practiced from a young age.

Nanquan is known for vigorous, athletic movements with very stable, low stances and intricate hand movements. This Wushu form is a modern style derived from movements of these and other traditional southern styles.  Nanquan typically requires less flexibility and has fewer acrobatics than ChangQuan

TaiJiQuan (太極拳, T'ai chi ch'uan) is a Wushu style famous for slow, relaxed movements, often seen as an exercise method for the elderly, and sometimes known as "T'ai chi" in Western countries to those otherwise unfamiliar with Wushu. This Wushu form is a modern recompilation based on the Yang (楊) style of TaiJiQuan, but also including movements of the Chen (陳), Wu (吳), Wu (武), and Sun (孫) styles

Short weapons:

Dao (刀 or knife) refers to any curved, one-sided sword/blade

Jian (劍 or double-edged sword) refers to any double-edged straight sword/blade

TaiJiJian (太極劍 or Taiji double-edged sword) is an event using the jian (sword) based on traditional TaiJiQuan jian methods.

​Long Weapons
Gun (棍 or staff) refers to a long staff (shaped from white wax wood) as tall as the wrist of a person standing with his/her arms stretched upwards
NanGun (南棍 or Southern cudgel) is a Nanquan method of using the staff
Qiang (槍 or spear) refers to a flexible spear with red horse hair attached to the spearhead

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China Spirit UK Shaolin Martial Arts
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